Wednesday, September 17, 2008


On the 27th August 2008 Mr. Wan started the class by recaping the 6 elements he taught us last week.....(INTENTION, ACT, PRODUCT, ACTOR, RULES AND SITE) Scales are divided into 7 levels


All this scales play a major role in the build environment.....

In the level 100 Course Introduction to Built Environment, 1997 -2007 ,
we started disccusing about intention.....INTENTION means a type of ideology, a person's design and even a person's theory in producing a certain it comes to ACT which consists of scope of a work from the starting to the ending point. It is also related to development producers.....PRODUCT can range from the design of a physical object to the physical world.....and ACTOR refer to us!!!! the future architects, interior designers, construction managers and so on........LAW is important in our life as it is the legal aspect of a particular development while SITE can be very small such as a piece of paper on the table to a large factory on a piece of land an even to the internet......

Next we discussed about global scale.....'' what is global scale?

How do we look at this world?'' different people will have different thinking about the global can be the earth while other may think it can range to the internet....
with lots of constructions and developments, our earth is can we have a sustainable earth if the activites above are not controlled? Is sustainable earth like IATROGENCIDE (medical errors that cause death)? humans trying to develope this world but they have neglected the condition of the earth....we can see this in every part of the world....with all the natural disasters and u decide whether did we mankind did a good job in making the world a better place.

the picture above shows our dying earth.....but it is still not too late to safe it!!!!!we the new generation will who will be dealing with the construction industry should hand in hand make the world a better place for our future generation.....

and that's the end of our lesson,next we were given our next assignment. Assignment B about real world construstion......we were asked to build a geodesic dome with zero cost, pakaged, prefabricated, accommodate 5, carryable by 3 people, assembled in 30 minutes, only by team members, show team identity, assemble on 10 September from 11.30 am to 12.00 pm, lifespan less than 12 months and recyclable.
We are supposed to get a team which consists of 5 members and at least 1 is from a different major.....we are going to design, build and assemble the dome at HBP premise (details will be given later ). After that we are asked to blog out our production.
It's not an easy project after all after hearing all the rules above.......we are only given 2 weeks to complete this project while all of us still have many other assignments to complete!!!

source of all the pictures above are from google search..........

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